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According to the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, Chongqing has been given by General Secretary Xi Jinping two strategic positions, an important strategic pivot for the development of western China in the new era, and a comprehensive hub for inland opening. Focusing on the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee’s proposal to accelerate the improvement of integrated urban-rural development and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 6th Chongqing Municipal Committee proposal to the 6 Districts target system, the 7th Plenary Session of the 13th District Committee determines the development strategy of East-West Integration and Territorial Modernization and the target of the ‘Take on the Burden, Be in the Forefront’. The solicitation for Planning Design of East-West Integration and Territorial Modernization in Chongqing Jiulongpo District is specially opened in accordance with the working principle of Five Synchronies, including synchronization of productivity layout and spatial layout, synchronization of residential life and industry, synchronization of master planning and urban design, synchronization of internal smoothness and outreach, synchronization of theoretical guidance and practical exploration.

二、征集目标 Purpose


This solicitation aims to solicit planning design proposals from domestic and international outstanding design institutions, comprehensively study and implement the development strategy and planning implementation path of East-West Integration and Territorial Modernization in Jiulongpo District, depict the picture of urban and rural landscape in key regions, put forward optimization suggestions for territorial spatial planning, and refine and form practical theoretical achievements of urban-rural integration development.

三、征集机构 Organizer


Instructor: Chongqing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau


Sponsor: People’s Government of Chongqing Jiulongpo District


Undertaker: Chongqing Jiulongpo Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Development and Reform Commission of Chongqing Jiulongpo District, West (Chongqing) Science City administrative Committee of Jiulong New Town Park, and CAIDIG CO. LTD


Organizational Unit: Chongqing Planning Affairs Center

四、设计范围 Design Scope


The design scope is Jiulongpo District directly administered area, covering an area of about 232 square kilometres, and co-ordinating the study of the 432 square kilometres of the whole administrative area of Jiulongpo District and the surrounding adjacent areas.

五、征集规则 Rules


This planning design adopts the method of open solicitation, with two phases of proposal-solicitation phase and deepening-design phase.

(一)方案征集阶段 Proposal Solicitation Phase


Open application and qualification review. The solicitation is open to applications from domestic and foreign design agencies. The solicitation agency will organize a qualification committee consisting of organizers, contractors and experts to listen to the organizing unit's report on the project registration by convening a qualification meeting. Through taking into account the qualifications, credentials, performance and other relevant circumstances of the lead unit, the member units and the lead designer, three finalists will be selected to participate in the planning design on the basis of merit among the applicant design units. At the same time, two alternatives will be reserved. The qualification results will be announced on the relevant official website . Invitation letter will be sent to the shortlisted design units. The shortlisted design institutions need to pay a deposit of RMB 50,000 and sign a Letter of Confirmation of Participation to confirm their participation in all subsequent stages of this solicitation. The deposit is refunded in the original amount at the end of the expert evaluation. The deposit will not be refunded, if the design results are not submitted according to the stipulated requirements, or the results were invalid by the expert reviewers unanimously ruled. If any of the shortlisted design units withdraws, it will be replaced by an alternative team in that order.


Programming. All shortlisted design units should participate project kick-off meeting which will distribute the design brief and basic information, site visit and Q&A session, organized by the solicitation agency. The shortlisted design agencies should carry out the design work during 60 days, and an interim inspection is scheduled. The chief designers and main designers for each shortlisted design organization should attend the site survey and Q&A session. The shortlisted design units will submit planning design outcome documents in accordance with the relevant regulations and the requirements of the design brief.


Expert Review and Administrative Review. After submitting results, the solicitation agency will organize an expert review committee to review all submitted results by an expert review committee within no less than seven members, including the competent authorities, organizers and experts. After the chiefdesigner reporting on the planning design results and answering questions from the experts, the expert review committee should secret ballot to form a ranking proposal for the three design units.


An administrative review meeting will be held by the solicitation agency after the expert review meeting to review 3 design results through the reference to the ranking of programs by the Expert Review Panel. After confirming the final ranking. the organizer will publish the final ranking results in public.

(二)后续深化设计阶段Deepening Design Phase


The first-ranked design units will be qualified for subsequent deepening of the design. If the first-ranked design units drops out, the next-ranked design units will be qualified for the subsequent deepening of the design.

六、方案征集阶段工作内容和成果要求Work content and outcome requirements for the call for programs phase

(一)工作内容 Work Content


The first is to clarify the functional positioning of the core area of the mega-city; the second is to sort out the problems in the area in terms of People, City, Landscape and Industry; the third is to put forward the development strategy of East-West Double Policy; the fourth is to plan the regional project and implement the strategic plan; the fifth is to carry out the urban-rural landscape design of key areas, and design the urban-rural visual identity showing recognition of Jiulongpo; the sixth is to put forward the spatial planning optimization proposal; the seventh is to form the theoretical outcome of the practice.

(二)成果要求 Outcome Requirement


Submission Requirements. The first is to form a development strategy and planning and implementation text and atlas, which must be presented accordance with the seven elements of work and in a logical sequence as described above, and form the text of the results (A3 horizontal version) and the short version of the report (A4 horizontal version, printed on both sides of the page within 100 pages). The second is to produce 9 exhibition boards in A0 vertical format (1189*841mm). Nine exhibition boards are respectively for design general framework mind map , the functional positioning of Jiulongpo District, analytical assessment of current issues, the East-West Double Policy development strategy, regional project planning and implementation strategy, urban and rural landscape design for key areas, urban-rural visual identity design, recommendations for spatial planning optimization, and Accompanying City and Village practical theoretical results.


Reporting Requirements. The chief designer need to report the simplified version, and the length of the debriefing is limited to 30 minutes. Multimedia presentations to support reporting should be 5-10 minutes in length, with Chinese voice-over and Chinese subtitles.


All of the above should be submitted electronically (including editable vector files), and the electronic files should be consistent with the content of the results. The specifications and quantities of all outcomes are detailed in assignments.

七、深化设计阶段工作内容和成果要求 Work Content and Outcome Requirement in Deepening Design Phase


The deepening design phase includes three parts. First, according to the opinions of expert review and administrative review, integrate the schemes of other design units in the solicitation phase, and form the final results. Second, deepen and improve the modification scheme of the territorial spatial planning. Third, summarize and refine the new development model, new path, new mechanism and new approaches ofAccompanying City and Village in Jiulongpo District, and form a research report on practical theoretical achievements.

八、设计费用 Design Fee


The design fee of this scheme solicitation includes the bonus in the solicitation stage and the design cost in the scheme deepening stage, totaling RMB 10 million.


Bonus in solicitation phase. The bonus is set according to the first, second and third places respectively, with a total of RMB 6 million, RMB 3 million for the first place, RMB 2 million for the second place, RMB 1 million for the third place.


In the deepening design phase , design fee is RMB 4 million.


If submitted design results by the shortlisted design units are unanimously determined by the expert review meeting as not meeting the requirements of the design assignment or plagiarizing other design schemes, the design scheme will be declared invalid, and the organizer will not pay the bonus and other compensation fees.


All fees of this solicitation are denominated and settled in RMB. All expenses incurred in the process of solicitation and related taxes incurred due to the bonus shall be borne by design units.


阶段 Phase

时间 Time

事项 Matters



Proposal- Solicitation Phase



Open Registration & Qualification Review


August 1, 2024


Announcement of solicitation.


August 1 to 10, 2024


Registration period, the deadline is 17:00 on August 10.


August 11 to 18, 2024


Qualification review, select the best 3 design units to participate in the scheme design, reserve 2 candidates.


August 19 to 22, 2024


Send the invitation, the shortlisted design units pay the deposit and sign the Competition Confirmation Letter.




August 23, 2024


Project launch meeting, issuance of design assignments, site survey and Q&A.


September 23 to 27, 2024


Interim inspection.

2024. 10.23

October 23, 2024


The deadline of submitting the result documents is 17:00 on October 23 (the design period is about 60 days).



Expert Review& Administrative Review


By October 30, 2024


Expert review and administrative review will be held to determine the final ranking of the 3 design schemes.



Deepening-Design Phase


From October 30 , 2024


According to the work requirements of the organizer, carry out the follow-up and deepening design work, form the design results and obtain the approval of the municipal authorities.


The above time is provisional, the organizer can make appropriate adjustments to the specific time node and form.

十、资格预审报名要求 Pre-qualification Registration Requirements


The units registered to participate in the solicitation of this scheme must be independent legal enterprises or institutions legally registered in the People's Republic of China, and must have Grade-A qualification for urban and rural planning formulation and Grade-A qualification for architecture. Foreign design institutions must be in a consortium with domestic design institutions to participate in the competition. The parent company, wholly-owned subsidiary and its holding company of the same design institution shall be regarded as the same applicant and shall not apply at the same time.


Design units that sign up to participate in the solicitation of schemes must have but not limited to industrial and economic planning teams, planning and design teams and architectural design teams. We encourage consortium of planning and architectural design agencies and planning agencies familiar with urban operation to participate, with no more than 3 members of the consortium.


Each member of the consortium shall jointly sign a consortium agreement, and specify the division of responsibilities, workload and equity ratio of each member unit. The organisers will pay the bonus for the solicitation phase separately according to the consortium agreementand sign a contract for the deepening design phase with the consortium that wins the first place.


The design units participating in the solicitation can submit only one chief designer, who shall be responsible for the whole planning and design, and attend the launch meeting, site inspection and program report. If it is found that the chief designer does not match the person submitted in the pre-qualification registration, the organizer has the right to cancel the qualification of the design units. It is required that the chief designer and all team members provide their social security certifications.

十一、报名方式与报名材料 Registration Way And Materials

(一)报名方式 Registration Way


The deadline for submission of pre-qualification registration documents is 17:00PM on August 10, 2024. Applicants must register by email and submit paper application materials before the deadline. Failure to register by email or fail to submit the paper version of registration materials after the deadline will be regarded as invalid registration, and the organizer will not accept.

设计机构需提交报名资料的纸质版和电子版报名材料(详见附件15)。纸质版报名材料,数量1份,封面须加盖联合体各成员单位公章,标注 “重庆市九龙坡区‘东西一体化、全域现代化’规划设计征集报名资料”和设计机构全称。寄送地址:重庆市渝北区龙山街道龙山大道3392号楼1201室,邮政编码:401147。电子版报名材料,须提供纸质版盖章文件扫描件和可编辑的文件格式,以电子邮件形式发送至723841283@qq.com邮箱,邮件主题以“重庆市九龙坡区‘东西一体化、全域现代化’规划设计征集报名资料”命名。

Applicants are required to submit both paper and electronic application materials (see Annex 1-5 for details). One set of paper version of the registration materials, with the cover stamped with the official seal of each member unit of the consortium, marked Registration Materials for Solicitation for Planning Design of East-West Integration and Territorial Modernization In Chongqing Jiulongpo District and the full name of the design organization. Address: Room 1201, Building 2, No. 339 Longshan Avenue, Longshan Street, Yubei District, Chongqing 401147, China. For electronic registration materials, please provide a scanned copy of the printed stamped document and editable files, and send to 723841283@qq.com with the name of Registration Materials for Solicitation for Planning Design of East-West Integration and Territorial Modernization In Chongqing Jiulongpo District.

(二)报名资料 Registration Materials


Registration materials include registration form, business registration materials (business license), qualification certificate, joint agreement, legal representative letter of authorization, performance introduction of the chief designer, consortium division of work and other information (such as award certificates and certificates of honor for similar projects) of the consortium (See Annex 1-5 for details).


The performance introduction of the chief designer shall provide the performance data of 3 to 5 similar design projects led by the designer, including the project name, location, scale, design content, main designer, completing time (or note is in progress), pictures, key pages of the contract or notice of acceptance and other certification materials. If the performance information is verified to be false, the organizer has the right to cancel the qualification or terminate the contract at any time.

十二、知识产权及相关法律 Intellectual Property And Related Laws


The intellectual property rights of the design scheme for which the prize or design fee has been paid belong to the organizer. The organizer has the right to display the design results after this soliciting activity, and introduce, display or evaluate the solicited proposals through the media, professional magazines, books or other forms. All content in the design scheme shall be original and shall not contain any material that infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties. In case of infringement, the consequences shall be borne by the design units themselves.


The organizer has the intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of all materials (text, drawings, electronic data, etc.) provided by the organizer in the solicitation. Without the written consent of the organizer, the design units shall not use or hand over the aforesaid materials to any third party. The design unit shall undertake the obligation of confidentiality for an unlimited period. Otherwise, they shall bear the liabilities arising therefrom and compensate the organizer for all losses incurred therefrom, and the organizer shall have the right to cancel the qualification of participating in the solicitation of this scheme.

十三、保密要求 Confidentiality Requirements


During the solicitation, all the work of the organizer, design units and relevant units shall comply with the confidentiality requirements of the State and Chongqing Municipality. In the design process, the design units shall not use the relevant documents and materials provided by the organizer for any occasion other than the solicitation.


After the end of the announcement, the design units shall be obliged to keep confidential all information (including but not limited to contract terms, contract-related negotiations, drawings, documents, tracing, calculation data, reports and other business secrets related to the project) obtained during the signing or performance of the contract and agreement, subject to the provisions of the contract and agreement. Otherwise, the organizer will pursue legal responsibility to the design units according to law.

十四、不正当竞争与纪律监督 Unfair competition and disciplinary supervision


It is strictly prohibited for the participating units to bribe the relevant personnel of the evaluation and ask them to disclose any information related to the evaluation. Participating units are strictly prohibited from colluding, forming alliances, harming the fairness of the competition, or influencing other units to participate in the fair competition in any way. If the above acts of unfair competition are found, the registration qualification or shortlisting or winning qualification of the unit will be cancelled.

十五、语言、计量单位及时间 Language, units of measurement, and time


This solicitation announcement is in English and Chinese format. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


In addition to the relevant national standards and the provisions of this announcement, the units of measurement used in all outcome documents in the solicitation shall be the legal units of measurement of the People's Republic of China.


The schedule of this solicitation shall be based on Beijing time. The organizer reserves the right to change the schedule. If there is any change, the design agency will be notified in time.

十六、其他 Others


The solicitation will be conducted in accordance with the principles of fairness, justice and openness, and the organizer will not explain the evaluation results. After the finalist or solicitation results are confirmed, the organizer will not give any explanation to the non-finalist or unsuccessful team on the judging process and the reasons for failing, and will not return the design results document. The design agency shall not ask the members of the jury or other relevant personnel about the review process and materials.


Any design institution that participates in this solicitation is deemed to acknowledge all the provisions of this Rule and complete the design scheme in accordance with the provisions of this Rule. For other matters not covered, the supplementary documents issued by the organizer shall prevail.


The design units that propose the excellent implementation strategy in the solicitation phase, will be given priority to do the job in the next detailed regional planning and project design phase.


The organizer reserves the right to interpret the solicitation activity.


Disputes concerning the solicitation activity shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China, and the place of litigation is Chongqing, China.

十七、联系方式 Contact Information


王先生Mr.Wang+86 15923347875

龙女士Ms.Long+86 13996950817


Room 1201, Building 2, No. 339 Longshan Avenue, Longshan Street, Yubei District, Chongqing

邮政编码/Postal code401147


附图:设计范围示意图 Design Scope Diagram









